Monday, November 30, 2009



A ribbon worn by supporters of the AIDS virus

That which doesn't kill me, can, in fact, kill me.

~ Oscar Wilde on AIDS

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, otherwise known as: 'I have what?!', is a disease which one can acquire, if one so chooses, by licking the exposed cut of, sticking one's penis inside, a foreigner or diseased animal, or simply by wearing a condom. To cure the ailment it is rumored that one must simply perform a 'Ring'- like procedure, making a copy of the disease and passing it on to someone else.

If you really don't want to catch AIDS, the UN has suggested that you 'go and live in a hole somewhere, having cut off your penis and also your anus if you want to be extra safe.'


AIDS, formerly known as AYDS, is also a revolutionary pill that stopped the obesity epidemic.
Threat Levels:      Fucking ridiculous. We are all going to die.
Classification:     Motherfucking pandemic.
Cure:               You're joking, right?
Appetite:           Seemingly insatiable.
Favorite Color:     Blue.

if you have aids dont use a condom


Early life

Sex with giant scorpions and spiders is to be avoided if you don't want to catch AIDS.

Ass Injected death Syndrome(aids) has been around since the late nineteenth century, but at that point it was a relatively small-time disease, infecting monkeys and other small mammals in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Then, at some time in the 1960s, with the liberation of homosexuals in America, some of them went a bit OTT and decided it would be a good idea to try and have sex with said monkeys and other small mammals. I'm not kidding. They really did. Anyway, said homos went and had sex with their respective monkeys, and by all accounts it was jolly good fun. Then, they went back to America, and started having sex with humans again. Here the problem arose, as it later transpired that in this cross-species fornication, the unwitting homosexuals had inadvertently transferred the AIDS virus straight into humankind! Uh-oh...

Making it Big

AIDS then went on to propagate itself around the entire human population of Earth. By the start of the twenty-first century, everyone was getting super pissed of with it, as it had infected approximately 32 million people and pretty much fucked over the entire monkey population. In 2005, it was nominated as one of the 'Most Badass Diseases EVER', but unfortunately lost the title to Ebola, which is a disease that pretty much makes you bleed out of every orifice when you catch it and then die within a few hours. Poor old AIDS didn't really have a chance, Ebola is just too badass. AIDS took consolation in the fact that it was way more famous than Ebola, but then someone reminded it that the only reason Ebola isn't famous is because the moment anyone gets near it, they just fucking die. Now AIDS is really upset.

Later Life

AIDS is not the kind of disease to give up and call it a day though, oh's now 2009 and the total amount of infected people and monkeys is somewhere around 14 billion, which is rather surprising seeing as the world primate population is only about 11 billion. Hmmm...where are all these extra monkeys/humans coming from? And how did they get on the register for being infected with AIDS? Beats me. Anyway AIDS is now the second most feared disease on Earth.

AIDS: What? No, I'm the number 1 most feared disease on Earth...

Me: Oh, what? Shit, this is awkward, didn't anybody tell you? Jesus, sorry, man...Cancer's way more feared than you...

AIDS: WHAT!? Who the fuck is Cancer?

Me: Oh yeh, he's really scary, you don't even have to have sex with anything, one day you could be just minding your own business, and then the next thing you know...BAM!...Cancer.

AIDS: GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! First I'm not the most badass, now I'm not even the most feared!? (Starts sobbing profusely.)

Me: Oh, don't cry...

AIDS: But...I'm...n-not...f-f-feared!

Me: Oh, it's okay, lot's of people are scared of you, how many have you killed now?

AIDS: F-f-fifty million...

Me: See, there you go! That's a really big number! Fifty million! Wow! I haven't killed anyone!

AIDS: R-really?

Me: Well....that anyone is aware of at least....

AIDS: W-what?

Me: Nothing....You are feared though.


On February 26 (which also happens to be my birthday), AIDS was committed to the St. Johns hospital in New Hampshire with a case of terminal cancer. It appeared every AIDS-infected victim was also dying of some variety of tumor or growth, and all of these people simultaneously died at 5 'o' clock on the afternoon of that day. Monkeys became extinct and the remaining human population were left to rebuild what was left of their crumbled civilization. Richard Dawkins said something about natural selection, and someone punched him in the face.

What You Can Do

Pope Benedict XVI arguing that condoms are actually meant to prevent impure thoughts coming out of your head.

Pretty much nothing really. I mean, AIDS is a disease...what are you? From AIDS point of view, you're nothing but a vector through which it can infect other humans and monkeys. You are nothing to AIDS. If you really want to help prevent it though, I suggest you do like the Pope and propagate abstinence from use of condoms and other devices of sexual protection. That ought to do it. Seriously though don't engage in any kind of bestiality. Horses, monkeys, dogs and homosexuals are all a big no is Barbara Streisand.... If you really want to try it on with an animal, at least get it tested first. A good way to do this is to go to a vet's claiming that the animal is your pet, and say that you believe it has been raped by someone carrying the AIDS virus. That way you should be able to molest said animal with no fear of infection yourself, should its tests come up clean. So enjoy you sick fuck!

Seven Deadly Sins

Seven Deadly Sins

One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Seven Deadly Sins! Ha ha ha ha! (Thunder!)

~ Count Dracula on Seven Sins

I didn't do that

~ Kevin Spacey in Se7en

The Seven Deadly Sins, also known as the Capital Vices (Not to be confused with the word VICE) or Cardinal Sins (Not to be confused with the high-ranking catholic priest who molested your little brother), is a classification of the most objectionable vices (Not to be confused with the device for your toothpaste) which has been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning (morality) fallen man's tendency to sin.

The Catholic Church divided sin into two principal categories: (1) "whatever", which are relatively minor, and no one cares about, and the more severe "Capital" or Mortal sins (Not to be confused with Mortal Kombat). Mortal sins destroyed the life of grace (You bastards! I LOVE her! You killed my imaginary girlfriend, you shitholes!), and created the threat of eternal damnation unless either absolved through the sacrament of Confession, or forgiven through perfect something something something on the part of the penitent, something something bla bla bla bla, yadda yadda.

List of Sins

The specifications of the sins themselves evolved in time, in accordance to the prevalent teachings of the church and the moral standards of the people at the time.

Original List of Sins

This is the original list of sins, as given by God through a revelation to the first Pope.

  1. Voting Independant, since if you vote that way you are throwing away your vote.
  2. Misspelling key words of a political cause. Such heathens are already partially punished by God by damaging their brain. The punishment for this is to become George W Bush' cabinet member in his third term in HELL!
  3. Kitten huffing. This should be self-explanatory. The punishment for this in hell is being raped by rabid kittens with AIDS.
  4. Internet downloading*. Despite RIAA's wishes, you should not download music off the Internet. Unless you enjoy slaving away for eternity. Your hell punishment will involve you being forced to listen to a continuous loop of Barry Manilow's songs for eternity.
  5. Winking at a baby. This one is puzzling. Winking has become in today's culture a positive thing, but back in the days of Ookalumba and Winston Churchill it was thought that winking meant that you were a minion of Biff OR that you were imposing a curse on the winkee's soul. The punishment for this in hell is having to watch your car get keyscratched.
  6. Buying Music from iTunes. This Sin is so terrible that not only does Satan force you to pay a dollar per song, but he doesn't let you share your purchases with everyone else.
  7. Milking a goat on Wednesday. Never, never, NEVER milk a goat on Wednesday, or else your soul will be devoured and your mind will be forever tortured in the depths of hell. Also, when in hell your punishment will include having to go through sex-ed in High School all over again.
  8. Counting The Number Of Deadly Sins. Satan does not appreciate people who are over-corrective and arrogant when it comes to being correct. Believers are wise not to criticize divine numeration policy. (Tips: make sure you are not committing this sin at this moment).
  9. Hocking a loogie. Performing loogie-hocking, especially in public, is proven to cause innocent bystanders to stop going to church. The punishment for this in hell is forever drinking the loogie from Satan's retarded brother.

10 masturbating on the downhill parts on a roller coster for this you will have blowjobs from old people

11 fucking shit upfast car chases girls booze explosoins gun shots SIN!!! you will have to go to hell but instead of actualy going in you have to wait 234857238905723052309582908529038529052890359025 hours and don't think i made up that number

List of Sins during the Roman Empire

After the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire, the list of sins are changed to adapt to the practices of Romans at the time

  1. Voting for Independent Caesar-candidate. If you did not vote for one of the main Caesar-candidate, like Octavian or Valentian, you are wasting your vote. Look what happened to Brutus.
  2. Misspelling your Latin Grammar. In case you did not read history, Brian of Nazareth almost got decapitated by a Roman officer because he misspelled his Latin graffiti. Don't count on the Roman officer to correct your grammar. They have learned their lesson and will castrate you instead.
  3. Huffing the Lions of Circus Maximus. This should be self-explanatory. The punishment for this in hell is being raped by rabid lions with AIDS.
  4. Illegally copying each scroll in the Library of Alexandria. Despite Senate's wishes, you should not copy all scrolls off the Library of Alexandria. Just because it will take you 1000 years to finish copying the scrolls, it doesn't mean you won't be caught or sent to hell.
  5. Winking at a baby Roman Citizen. Unlike the original commandment, you may wink at a baby Slave. Just don't wink at a baby Roman Citizen.
  6. Buying Harps from iMarket. This Sin is so terrible that not only does Caesar force you to pay a denarius per song, but he doesn't let you share your purchases with everyone else.
  7. Milking a goat on Wednesday. Wait, sorry. I'm not sure why this one is a sin. Not at this time anyway. Feel free to milk your goat on Wednesday, the day of the God of Odin... wait.. that's it! YOU HEATHEN! YOU WORSHIP A PAGAN GOD! GUARDS! ARREST THIS HEATHEN AND BURN HIM!
  8. Counting The Number Of Deadly Sins. Satan does not appreciate people who are over-corrective and arrogant when it comes to being correct. Believers are wise not to criticize divine numeration policy. (Tips: make sure you are not committing this sin at this moment).

9Hocking a loogie. Performing loogie-hocking, especially in public, is proven to cause innocent bystanders to stop going to church. The punishment for this in hell is forever drinking the loogie from Satan's retarded brother.

List of Sins during the Crusades

As Muslim empires arose and gained prominence, the clergy has to assert the superiority of their religion to the infidel Muslims.

  1. Voting for the Caliphs. Don't vote for Caliphs, you terrorist!
  2. Misspelling names of Crusade destinations. This is WHY we lost the crusades. You brought your troops to Canada instead of Israel, you dumbass.
  3. Kitten huffing. This should be self-explanatory. We need the kittens for dinner, since we have shortage of food.
  4. Reading the Bible Unless you are a clergy, reading the Bible is condemned by God. It's even worse if you dare to blaspheme by claiming to find out inconsistencies and misspellings in the Bible.
  5. Winking at a Christian baby. You may, however, wink at a Saracen baby.
  6. Buying Music from traveling Bards. You are supposed to sing ONLY in the church! This sin is so terrible that not only does Satan force you to pay a crown per song, but he doesn't let you share your purchases with everyone else.
  7. Milking a goat on Wednesday. HEATHENS! GET HIM!
  8. Counting The Number Of Deadly Sins. Satan does not appreciate people who are over-corrective and arrogant when it comes to being correct. Believers are wise not to criticize divine numeration policy. (Tips: make sure you are not committing this sin at this moment).
  9. Not hocking a loogie. In accordance to the medieval code of primitive conduct, you are supposed to be dirty and disgusting.

List of Sins during the Reformation

Since Christendom is divided into Protestants and Catholics, the list become chaotic. However, the Catholic church still maintains dominance in the church's teachings.

  1. Voting for Martin Luther. Only infidels listen to Martin Luther's teachings.
  2. Misspelling names of Christian denominations. It's Presbyterian, not Presbytarian. It's Protestantism, not Protestanism. It's Catholicism, not Catholisism. If you get this wrong, God will burn you in hell.
  3. Kitten huffing. whatever.
  4. Reading the Bible If you read the bible, you will start your own denomination. THAT'S WHY WE TOLD YOU NOT TO IN THE FIRST PLACE!
  5. Winking at a Catholic baby. You may wink at a Protestant baby or an Orthodox baby, but winking at a catholic baby will get you to Hell.
  6. Buying Music from Bach. Classical music are only for gays and villains.
  7. Milking a goat on Wednesday. HEATHENS! GET THEM!
  8. Counting The Number Of Deadly Sins. Satan does not appreciate people who are over-corrective and arrogant when it comes to being correct. Believers are wise not to criticize divine numeration policy. (Tips: make sure you are not committing this sin at this moment).
  9. Hocking a loogie. Performing loogie-hocking, especially in public, is proven to cause innocent bystanders to stop going to church. The punishment for this in hell is forever drinking the loogie from Satan's retarded brother.

List of Sins in the modern era

After many evolutions of Christian faiths, this list comprises the culmination of Christian teachings.

  1. Voting Independant, since if you vote that way you are throwing away your vote.
  2. Misspelling key words of a political cause. Such heathens are already partially punished by God by damaging their brain. The punishment for this is to become George W Bush' cabinet member in his third term in HELL!
  3. Kitten huffing. This should be self-explanatory. The punishment for this in hell is being raped by rabid kittens with AIDS.
  4. Internet downloading*. Despite RIAA's wishes, you should not download music off the Internet. Unless you enjoy slaving away for eternity. Your hell punishment will involve you being forced to listen to a continuous loop of Barry Manilow's songs for eternity.
  5. Winking at a baby. This one is puzzling. Winking has become in today's culture a positive thing, but back in the days of Ookalumba and Winston Churchill it was thought that winking meant that you were a minion of Biff OR that you were imposing a curse on the winkee's soul. The punishment for this in hell is having to watch your car get keyscratched.
  6. Buying Music from iTunes. This Sin is so terrible that not only does Satan force you to pay a dollar per song, but he doesn't let you share your purchases with everyone else.
  7. Milking a goat on Wednesday. Never, never, NEVER milk a goat on Wednesday, or else your soul will be devoured and your mind will be forever tortured in the depths of hell. Also, when in hell your punishment will include having to go through sex-ed in High School all over again.
  8. Counting The Number Of Deadly Sins. Satan does not appreciate people who are over-corrective and arrogant when it comes to being correct. Believers are wise not to criticize divine numeration policy. (Tips: make sure you are not committing this sin at this moment).
  9. Hocking a loogie. Performing loogie-hocking, especially in public, is proven to cause innocent bystanders to stop going to church. The punishment for this in hell is forever drinking the loogie from Satan's retarded brother.
  10. Thinking that this list is the same with the first one. After all, there is one additional sin to consider.

I Fucking Hate the Bermuda Triangle

I Fucking Hate the Bermuda Triangle


No, seriously. The Bermuda Triangle is fucking lame. Don't believe me? You're lame too. I have scientific evidence on my side. The Bermuda Triangle is a bunch of New Age horseshit, and may even be a pyramid scheme. Here's why.

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary area of ocean between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Myanmar. The idea is that you draw lines between these islands and then inside the triangle there are ghosts. Spooky!...if you're three years old. "Oh noes mommy!! Teh bad water is going to eat teh boats!!!" Grow up! First, planes rock, who the fuck cares about boats? The Bermuda Triangle is just a story made up by sailors, and here's a hint: sailors are drunk 95% of the time. These are the same people that came up with patent nonsense like mermaids and neap tides, and now you're letting them tell you that this one specific area of water shaped like a triangle is going to leap out like the alien does in that movie Alien and rip your face off? No way, because that alien was awesome and the Bermuda Triangle is definitely not awesome.

Hell, Lloyd's of London, the world's biggest largest insurance company, whose fucking job it is to know where ships will sink most often, says that the Bermuda Triangle is a piece of bullshit. They won't charge you extra to insure your boat if you tell them it's going through the Bermuda Triangle. And Jesus H. Christ, if an insurance company won't charge you higher premiums for doing something, then the odds are pretty strong that said activity is perfectly safe.


Not so menacing now, is it?

The Hoagie Triangle: a 1000% improvement.

I've seen triangles in math class. Triangles are always small. There's no way you could even have a triangle hundreds of miles on a side because you couldn't find a piece of paper big enough.

Also, spheres are the natural enemy of triangles because one is rounded and three-dimensional and one is pointy and two-dimensional. The Earth is a sphere and thus would not permit a triangle on its surface. I learned that in math class, too.

And even given that such a triangle could exist and given that it existed near Bermuda, why would you want to fill it with ghosts? I can think of much better uses for that triangle. Fill it with hoagies! Sure, yeah, we can have a Hoagie Triangle where instead of swallowing ships and planes it dispenses delicious piping-hot hoagies and grinders with chips on plates! That is where math applies to the real world, fuckers!

Note: The hoagie triangle is only available in Pennsylvania. For the rest of the world, see Sub triangle. Pardon the pun.

Shut the Fuck Up

Merciful meatballs, can we stop hearing about the Bermuda Triangle? How can you make 1.5 million square miles of salt water interesting? You can't! Let's face it, if David Copperfield has been there, it's not cool. Yes, that goes for the Statue of Liberty too.

Other hack jobs from pop culture include:

  • Bermuda Triangle
  • The Bermuda Triangle, a completely different movie we swear!!
  • Somebody trying to cash in with a book SAY IT AIN'T SO!

Stephen King wrote a book on this? And it's not even one of his comedic ones? Fuck me in the Ozarks!

I hope nobody actually buys this shit.

STOP PRESS: On December 21 2005 the Bermuda Triangle mysteriously disappeared, as if it had never existed. Scientists are baffled as to what it disappeared into, although one was quoted as saying "I'll give you one guess. And don't quote me on that or I'll sue." Oops...

Ever since said disappearance, the government has advised people to refrain from publicly trying to insult the Bermuda Triangle. It is George W. Bush's opinion that the Bermuda Triangle has assumed a physical manifestation and has been hunting down people all across the world with what marine-bio-mathematicians and Brendan Benson have described as "one big ass mother fuck'n hand, I swear that thing is evil!" The entirety of the U.S. army has been summoned to fight this monstrosity and until then the whole world is advised to keep their eyes peeled for malevolent geometric figures. Look out behind you!

The Discovery Channel ran a feature on the Triangle. Come to find out, the "mystery" is that methane is causing the ships to sink, and not telekinetic guppies with superiority issues, or whatever crap the new-agers are spewing these days. That's right folks... methane. WHALE FARTS are what is sinking all of those ships! Perhaps it's payback for the whaling in the past? If so, they are pretty stupid, seeing as the only whalers nowadays are Japanese. Last time I checked, Japan isn't in the fucking Atlantic. In conclusion, the Bermuda Triangle is only good for breeding stupid, gassy whales. This ends our tale from "Teh Ghey Planet"

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Be a Good Catholic

HowTo:Be a Good Catholic

Perfect Catholics

Welcome, acolyte. We'd like to proudly present you this guide that will help you become a good member of the Roman Catholic sect Church. Well, if you feel you are a good member, you can at least check to see if you are REALLY good member. You should also know that this guide will not show you the basic rules of the Roman Catholic Church. If you don't know them, you should look here.

Before we start our holy journey, we'd like to point out that this guide has been approved by both Polish and Spanish episcopates as truthful and accurate and got their certificates AbsolutelyRight2 and FantasticallyDeceiving3 respectively.


Let's start our holy journey. Follow these points and be sure you meet the requirements:

  • First of all, you need to be born in a family that has been Catholic for at least three generations. If you have even one heretic in a straight line of your genealogical tree, you should give up now - You won't be a good Catholic!
  • Secondly, you have to be baptised as an infant so you can be indoctrinated from the time you were born. This was the decision of your parents. If you were baptised as an adult, you will be Catholic, but You won't be a good Catholic!
  • Oh well, you can give an offering to a priest, who will be so grateful that he will backdate your baptism documents. Don't worry that it will have a bad influence on your Catholic soul. A priest is a saintly person, and for supporting saintly people you will go to heaven! Always remember: Your donation is your salvation.
  • If you don't have at least four siblings, you should give up now. That means that your parents are heretics that use condoms, so they have no idea how to do it as God obliged people to do, or they just don't do it so they are idiots, or they are infertile and as we all know, infertility is God's punishment for your mom behaving like a slut in her youth.
  • If you meet all the requirements listed above, you can start your journey to become a good Catholic!

All requirements of being good Catholic


Money is an important part of a Catholic's life, probably the most important. The Pope builds his Catholic Empire on money from worshippers and yes, you guessed it: you are going to be one of them. Check to see if you can meet the monetary requirements for being a good Catholic:

  • Remember, each time you visit the Home of God, you need to give some offerings to a priest. World Crisis is not an excuse. You can't let your parish go bankrupt... Don't give coins; it's an insult for God! He sacrificed his son for your sins, so open your purse and give your banknote with the most zeros on it!
  • If you are actually poor, that means that God knew you would be miserly so he took his part already.
  • When a priest visits your home, you should give him a generous donation or Hell fire will burn you!
  • A Bishop does not have never-ending wealth. You should send him some money once a month. Or at least once every two months.
  • It is in good taste is supporting your Cardinal. Send him something once a year.
  • The Pope also has financial troubles. Recently, he couldn't buy a new diamond-made lamp. Instead, he had to buy a lamp made of ruby. Do you think that is OK? Go to your post office and send him some money!
  • If you don't agree with the conditions above, you should give up now. You won't be a good Catholic, you filthy miser!

Attitude to church authorities

You shall listen to this guy. It's even better if you always agree!

Church authorities are important in every kind of religion. In the Catholic church, there is a big hierarchization of authorities. You need to have respect for them:

  • Love your God more than the other's Muhammad.
  • Love your Pope more than your God.
  • Love your Cardinal more than your Pope.
  • Love your Bishop more than your Cardinal.
  • Love your Bishop more than another's Bishop.
  • Love your Priest more than all the above together.
  • Priest from local parish is your only authority in all religion cases. He always knows better what higher instance thought. Your Priest's word is a saint's word!
  • Remember that being a priest is a higher form of existence; therefore they do not have to do pee or poo.
  • Remember that your priest cannot be poor (go back to earlier points if you do not remember).
  • Your Priest is always right. Your Priest says that!
  • Priests ARE NOT paedophiles, ARE NOT homosexual and NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER have any kind of intercourse with anybody, including themselves.
  • If you don't agree with the statements above, you should give up now. You won't be a good Catholic, you unfaithful scum!


  • High Mass can't be funny or cool for you or you will become baptist, and for the Catholic Church, baptists are heretics. During High Mass, you shall be sad and grave.
  • During High Mass, the order of importance is this: the priest, your wallet, the cross, altar and High Mass' intention.
  • One thing you never, ever, ever can do is miss High Mass on Sunday! Otherwise you are a heretic! You have surgery!? Who the hell cares! Run to church because the priest needs your money!
  • You really have to like going to church.
  • Your Priest is always right (we know it has already been in this guide, but you really need to remember this...).
  • He is right even whem he is not right.
  • However, if he is wrong, he is in fact right.
  • If your priest is not right, he is right anyway.
  • If you still don't get it, you have to be retarded.
  • If you don't agree with the statements above, you should give up now. You won't be a good Catholic, you unfaithfully happy Westboro Baptist Church member!

Everyday life of a Catholic

  • You shall pray as often as possible, but don't go crazy with it! Otherwise you can become a batpist and that's definitely not good.
  • You shall have three copies of the HOLY BIBLE. However, you can't read the Bible or, what is much worse, understand it. Understanding the Bible is for Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • You can't eat meat on Fridays. Just accept it and it will be cool. No, you can't eat meat even if it is the only food available to you at the time. No! No meat on Fridays. Just, just accept it, OK?
  • You should permanently join your hand to your rosary. This way you will be showing your dedication to Saint Virgin Mary and you won't lose it.
  • You should note down every sin you committed. That makes it easier at confession.
  • You should go to priest for confession at least once a month. Of course you have to bring with you a nice amount of money for his troubles.
  • If the above statements are not right for you, give up now. You won't be a good Catholic!

Holy war

  • Actually, "holy war" is the basis of the everyday life of a Catholic. Yes, Muslims are better show offs, but trust me, Catholics also have their Jihad.
  • First of all, you shall watch only Catholic TV, listen to Catholic radio and read only Catholic newspapers to protect yourself from bad influence coming to you from the bad Jewish Communistic world full of heathens.
  • You shall not think that everything good on this world comes from God and everything bad comes from the Devil. No! That's what Protestants say! Everything bad on this world comes from Jews, Communists and atheists, and the Roman Catholic Church is fighting against those heretics!
  • Remember, every Protestant, Baptist or Mormon is a heretic and every Eastern Orthodox Catholic is a schismatic! Don't confuse those definitions. Heretics are destined to be burnt at the stake after cruel tortures, and schismatics can be converted to Roman Catholicism!
  • Remember that each atheist is a blasphemer and heretic at the same time! You shall kill any atheist at once!
  • Remember that each deist is also blasphemer and heretic at the same time! It's a lesser level than atheist but they are also destined to be killed at once.
  • But remember that each agnostic is an idiot as he just doesn't know. You can't blame him for that. However, you shall kill him using holy fire, and God will know if he was ours or not ours.
  • Kill each Satanist you see. It's not against the Ten Commandments; it's getting closer to salvation.
  • You should cite the Bible each time you have any conversation with anybody. Or maybe not..that's what Protestants are doing. Forget about this point.
  • You shall argue to the bitter end that God exists and is Catholic!
  • Each argument ends by using holy fire to burn your opponents that are of course heretics.
  • Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Don't sleep during High Mass!
  • Atheism doesn't exist! It's just another heresy!
  • Crusade against Jihad!
  • Use holy fire against suicidal bomb attacks!
  • You also shall accept and execute all statements above, otherwise You won't be a good Catholic!


  • Contraception was invented by heretics.
  • If you use any kind of contraception, you are a heretic!
  • Each intercourse shall end with pregnancy. Otherwise, intercourse will be a deadly sin! Oh, you also can be infertile but it's God's punishment as this occurs only when you want to have children.
  • If you did it in any other position than classical, you have committed a deadly sin! It's worse than using condoms!
  • If you don't want to have children, go buy a layette. You can expect a baby in 9 months.
  • If you don't want to make your Catholic Family bigger, you are a heretic working on the Devil's side! Go to hell!
  • You can't have prurience! It's sin!
  • The only acceptable methods of spending onself are: adding bromine to your morning cereal, and looking at Rosie O'Donnell.
  • Each spermatozoon is saintly! It's potential life. If you waste it, you are a sinner!
  • If you even think about using condoms, remember that using one causes salmonella, mumps, scurvy, staphylococcus, glaucoma, eczema, plague, ebola, denga and AIDS. Using condoms can also make you bald, redundant, depressed and addicted to alcohol. All that leads to masturbation, and if you practice that: you will burn in hell!
  • If you think that haveing children and not using contraception is not for you, give up. You won't be a good Catholic!


Masturbation is one of worst things that a Roman Catholic can ever do! Never, ever, ever masturbate yourself! Or you will go blind! And you will get tetanus! And AIDS! Masturbation is absolutely forbidden for all Roman Catholics! If you masturbate, you can die! You will die and go to hell! Don't do this! If you think you are an ugly bastard and you think you can't live without masturbation, give up now because You won't be a good Catholic!


Abortion is another deadly sin, equal to murder. If you want to be a good Catholic, you can't even think about having an abortion (for you or your girlfriend... WIFE! It's obvious you can't have intercourse before your wedding!). However, we have few simple rules about abortion:

  • Jesus in Scrubs TV Series said that Every life is precious. And that means simply: no abortion!!!
  • Abortion is a murder and sin. You will burn in hell after having an abortion!
  • Oh well... If the parents are drug takers with no future... NO!!!! ABORTION IS A MURDER!!!! It doesn't matter that half of egg cells are automatically removed from a woman's body as part of a natural process!
  • Abortion can't be done even if giving birth to a child can kill the pregnant woman!
  • Abortion can't be done even for a 12-year-old girl! She shall be a virgin up to her wedding day!
  • Abortion can't be done even for a raped woman (even if she is a 12-year-old girl)!
  • Abortion can't be done even for the victim of a mass rape (even if she is a 12-year-old girl)!
  • Abortion is a murder!!!

Roman Catholic and dogmas

  • All Catholic dogmas are true. say some of them were not mentioned in the Holy Bible? Well...God forgot and he is providing these forgotten dogmas to us so we can spread them around the Roman Catholic world.
  • Saint Virgin Mary was born from a virgin; she bore Jesus while a virgin and she also died as a virgin. Impossible? Then fuck off! You won't be a good Catholic if you don't believe that!
  • God is magnificient, merciful and he loves everyone! You need to really believe that or this God will slap the door to Heaven in your face.
  • You don't have to be circumcized if you want to be a good Catholic. That's why Catholics are better than Jews.
  • You can't be circumcised!!! Even if you had phimosis! Suffering is a way to salvation!
  • If you don't agree with the above dogmas, give up now, because You won't be a good Catholic.

Death of a Catholic

  • A Catholic should die in his bed while praying on his rosary and holding a blessed-wax candle in his hands. Of course there should be a priest next to him waiting for at least 10% of his will.
  • Every Catholic has to have a Catholic funeral (with obvious costs; the priest needs to sacrifice his time for that). There can't be any heretic within 10 kilometres. Take care of any heretics in the area by using holy fire.
  • Actually, you can't really take care of your own funeral arrangements. Well, you should force your family to give you an appropriate funeral but they can be lame and will not do it...Well, then your family is not really Catholic and, if the statements above are not fulfilled, You weren't a good Catholic!


Well...If you came through this difficult way and you meet all requirements and you agree all statements...You are a good Catholic!!!

But if you miss even one requirement...then You are not a good Catholic. Your future depends on your choices. If you were a bad Catholic, you will go to hell. If you were a heathen, you will go to your own Heaven or Hell or in what you believe. If you were an atheist, it's enough to engrave on your tomb, I'm not going anywhere!

Did u know?

Did u know...

...that if the entire population of earth was reduced to exactly 100 people,50% of the world's currency would be held by 6 people.

Holocaust Tycoon

Holocaust Tycoon

The most fun you can have outside a Gulag!

~ Ehud Barak

Dear God! How horrible, I can't believe how fat I look compared to these people! We should share diet tips...

~ Oscar Wilde on Holocaust Tycoon

This is more fun than Disneyland!

~ Walt Disney

Holocaust Tycoon is a simulation computer game, released for Windows XP and Wii platforms in 2006. It was developed by Ka-tzetnik Enterprises in Berlin, and later released throughout Europe by WN Software. In Holocaust Tycoon, the player must successfully manage a camp, without going bankrupt, whilst avoiding the attention of invading Allied Forces.


The player begins with an empty plot of land, levelled and ready for development. In the early stages of the game, the player will build his camp, adding huts, arranging for political opponents, enemy aliens, specific ethnic or religious groups to be transported in, and the construction of (initially experimental) gas chambers. As with most games of this genre the early development is the most important stage, as the structure of the camp is crucial to its survival. Controversially, players are encouraged to cram as many people into huts, to heighten profit (refered to in-game as 'death toll').

Eventually, as the camp develops, more options become available. For example, the player must then negotiate contracts with various loyal companies, such as gas providers, freight rail and ancient computer companies (IBM is available). The object of this game is to build an organised and brutal camp, allowing your Commandant promotion whilst gaining the love and appreciation of the Master Race.

Although primarily a strategy game, the game contains a few action-oriented "mission sequences". Verlassen Verboten! is a first-person shooter in which the player must prevent camp residents from climbing the fence or tunneling. In Trash Day, the player must keep the disposal units running under an increasingly heavy stream of biological waste.

Punters form an orderly queue to acquire Concentrated Orange Jews. Just one mug contains 100% of a punter's recommended daily intake of Zyklon B. From Uncle Auschwitz!


These are the basic units in the original Holocaust tycoon.

  • Führer - The player's character. The strongest unit in the game. You can modify the face, but not the moustache.
  • Prisoners - Cannot be created, only imported. For 50 Reichmarks a prisoner can be converted into a "weasel". He can be told apart from the other prisoners by the fact that he is wearing 18 golden watches and 4 pairs of shoes.
  • Ferret - cost: 250. These specially trained SA soldiers (no, they are not actual ferrets) are used to hunt out tunnels and escape schemes hatched by prisoners.
  • SA-forces - cost: 100. Normal soldier units, and your main camp defenders. The SA forces have the Goose-step ability which gives them +50% moving speed.
  • SS-forces - cost: 500. Better than SA-forces. Special power: can turn your enemies to your allies.
  • Gestapo Forces - cost: 200. Sneak attack prisoners and enemies and civilians and Jews.
  • Furnace truck - cost: 2000. Fast truck with a furnace mounted on the roof. Burns your enemy.
  • Gas Chamber bomb - cost: 5000. Drops a big gas chamber on your enemies.
  • Executioner - cost: 50. Basic unit, armed with a luger. Special power: May evolve if supplied with a Leaf Stone.
  • Doctor - cost: 200. Doctors are very important special units that can perform various scientific experiments. With a doctor, you can create new poisons and chemical weapons just by sacrificing a few prisoners for the the testing.
  • Ãœberdöpperführer - cost: 6000 Can give units moustaches, for a price, turning them into "Kleinführer", but has low attack.
  • Kleinführer - cost: 600 The strongest of your foot soldiers, other than the Führer.
  • French - cost: only 10, but highly prone to surrender as soon as any actual fighting takes place, they also possess the special ability by throwing cheese at the enemy. This inflicts +10 Damage and poisoning, but remember.. do not rely on these frogs.
  • Kim Jong-Ill - cost: fucking loads and company for an hour. Able to betray your team and attack your units or himself. Also can set nukes that haven't even been invented yet onto his enemies. Special ability: Care-bear-stare, AVOID AT ALL COSTS!


Holocaust Tycoon in its early development.
  • Stalin - He is your main opponent and competitor in the game. He's also a fanatic practitioner of genocide and will try to beat your killing records with his gulag camps. Luckily he is only allowed to exterminate his own people and sometimes captured German soldiers, you aren't bothered by this restriction.
  • Allies' Soldier - The basic enemy unit. Rough equivalent of SA-forces.
  • Soviet Soldier - A soldier that moves very fast, but has low maximum health. Will fire eight bullets, then throw three javelins, then if still not dead, will impale your men with his handy red flag.
  • American Soldier - A strong unit, but will sit around eating hamburgers when not fighting. Will strangle your men with stockings, club them with Hershey bars, or use any other stuff that he might have handy. Very rarely will he know how to work his gun. The American military training system just doesn't work like that, yet somehow they always seem to kick your ass. Or at least let the Russians do the work then take the credit. Highly prone to friendly fire and team killing.
  • British Soldiers - One of the most difficult units to defeat yet easy to fathom. The Briton will fight till his dying breath, but if told the Americans will bankrupt the British Empire after the war they will defect to your side. The British are very strict during combat; at all times they carry a small copy of the Geneva convention, if captured they will bore your troops to death by reading out what you can and can't do to them. WARNING!! Keep your soldiers away from British leftovers!!! The British meals will immediately poison your soldiers.
  • South African Soldier - A racist, anti-democratic Fascist, Since they share so many similarities to Germans they are difficult to defeat, the result of a single South African soldier penetrating your lines will be total destruction of your forces, Do not try to reason with them, They are so illogical and are such Mighty Warlords that you will be unable to defeat them through either logic or warfare.
  • South American Soldier - Very authoritarian, tyrannical and oppressive. Look out for the Argentine and Chilean ones, esp. with German surnames.
  • French Soldier - Very rarely seen on the field of battle except when carrying supplies for British soldiers. If attacked, is almost certain to attempt to wave a white flag.
  • Czech Soldier - Willing, but not actually able to fight. If given enough beer can evolve into either prisoners or British soldiers.
  • Slovak Soldier - We rather call them "Untermenschen" but Americans know them as "Slow fucks" and the British as "cheap labour".
  • Polish Soldier - an Easter-egg unit that comes in riding horses. Hilarious. They fought off their enemies by marching backwards.
  • WwL Soldier - As soon as these captured soldiers from the Worlds without Limits Clan enter your camp, they rape everything in sight. They spread a disease called "Terminal Gonorrhea". The only cure for an infected person is to pour beer down their pants but they are usually killed by the Canadian soldiers since they have their beer.
  • Belgian Soldiers - They sometimes appear on the battlefield, but never join the fight because they only have 4 bullets each. if you shoot them the belgian gouvernment will send you a long, and boring letter in which they will ask you to stop the fighting, this letter wil not close untill you've complety copied it backwards and send it back. That's what they call political warfare. Van Damnne annoying!
  • Anti-Nazi - These terrifying ninjas will appear during the night. They are stronger than the SA-forces (they break roughly even with Kleinführer). They appear and kill silently. They release every prisoner they find.
  • Enemy Doctor - Heals enemy units. Can be a real nuisance, especially if they break into your House of Death. It makes them all 50% more effective.
  • Winston Churchill - His cigar smoke makes your troops pass out, and dissolve your fences. A combination of his cigar and a bottle of whisky may result into terrible damage to both your soldiers and your camp. It also makes all babies born in the camp look like him. Luckily, he doesn't appear until later in the game.
  • General Patton - Enters game via Sherman Tank. Hurls insults at American Soldiers, bringing them immediately to attention for the purpose of listening to his long, drawn-out, demoralizing monologues. Patton is very dangerous unit because he doesn't take shit from friend or foe, shooting at everything that moves.
    Special Ability number 1: Reincarnation.
    Special Ability number 2: Using the guts of your killed soldiers as grease for the treads of his tank. This makes his tank very fast and therefore very hard to hit.
  • Al Queda - If the game is completed, you will be fighting these bastards the next time you play. Warning, these guys have no intelligence and are highly prone to explosions. Mainly from themselves. Special Ability: Hijack.
  • Canadian Soldier - This is the most powerful opponent in the game. However, this is soley due to the fact that the Americans have told them you have all their beer. If they ever find out the Americans have their beer, they will defect to your side.
  • Australian Soldier - A relatively weak unit, due to their habit of drinking large amounts of beer on the battlefield (and everywhere else). They have trouble loading their rifles and are very poor shots, however their vast numbers make them very dangerous and hard to defeat.

Success and Expansion

Over time, a camp may develop and expand according to economic factors and the development of new industries or medical breakthroughs.

These include:

  • LuftWafflehouse Franchise - Allows you to sell defeated Belgian waffles for profit.
  • Flame grilled Frankfurters and Hamburgers - Raises troop morale by 30%.
  • Concentrated Orange Jews – See your mom - Nutritious. They make your units slowly regenerate health.
  • Dr Mengele’s House of Death – See your dad - Allows you to sacrifice Jews to gain special bonuses.
  • Eichmann's Train o' Fun - Can be used to torture inmates.
  • Uncle Adolf's Jew's Fizz and Fertilizer Emporium - Makes concentrated orange Jews healthier, increasing their refreshing taste and healing benefits!
  • Herr Doktor's Un-Scented Soap on a Rope - Lure the people into the gas chamber with this! Make them think it's a shower!
  • Führer's Choice Leather Jackets - Make your troops 50% sexier, and more intimidating. They make them easier targets for homosexuals, but they inspire fear and jealousy in their enemies.
  • Nazi Soupenkitschen - Grounded up bone stew served by Jerry Seinfeld, the Jew owner of this restaurant. We hired excellent Scandinavian chefs and a few retards we hadn't disposed of in the T-4 "Eugenics" program.
  • Auschwitz souvenir shop - Get your lamp shades here! Also come in colors, shapes and sizes (look for the dark brown kind, GAY pink triangles and made by crafty old Danish dudes before we put 'em to sleep).
  • '" Auschwitz FireWood Company - Fuel your furnaces with the spark of passion.


During the 2006 Tournaments Siegfried Mengele (grandson of) surprised his foes by using a doctor-boom. The idea of a doctor-boom is to have a small army which eventually leads to a few prisoners escaping, but is cheap enough to have plenty money for doctors and have access to cruel biological weaponry quickly. A more commonly used strategy is the one called “Arbeit macht Geld” in which the destruction of Jewish prisoners is held off as long as possible. Instead they are used to drain money by scamming other prisoners, after which the money is confiscated in exchange for a longer lifespan.

Excerpt from the Official Holocaust Tycoon Strategy Guide: Genocide for Beginners

  • Lebensraum is always critical if you want to expand your reign of terror. Build your headquarters as close to natural resources as possible. If you minimize the distance between the ghettos and the extermination camps, you will save on the cost of laying railway track.
  • Save money early in the game by denying your prisoners basic civil liberties. You'll benefit greatly in the later stages of the game when you can spend your hard earned Reichsmarks on Zyklon B and watch your death toll go through the roof!
  • Try to only hire SS and SA soldiers with blonde hair and blue eyes, as you will find that they are able to run faster, jump higher, live longer and are much more intelligent.
  • Build Dr Mengele's House of Death as soon as possible to reap the rewards of biological supremacy through extensive experimentation.
  • SS Guards should never be utilised for mass grave digging. The prisoners themselves are more than capable of it, despite their extreme emaciation. If they die whilst digging, there are plenty more to take their place!
  • Once Jews have been killed, search their heads for gold teeth that can be traded to Soviet dissidents for weapons and ammunition!

Prisoner Types

Prisoner types have both advantages and disadvantages which increases the complexity of gameplay:

  • Gingers are easy to contain, as they cannot go outside but they may attempt to burn holes through your walls. Furthermore, other characters may mistake them for carrots and eat them.
  • Gypsies can con guards out of their weapons and cast blood curses on them, but you can give the Jewish prisoners false hope of survival by allowing them to beat the gypsies to death, and their mass grave digging productivity will increase.
  • Poles have difficulty understanding simple orders, but are also the easiest type of prisoner to capture. Poles are also very handy for doing the plumbing, although they might steal your transport.
  • Dutch prisoners are handy to have around, as they know how to keep themselves and their fellow prisoners happy and relaxed. Look out for special character Anne Frank, who unlocks an Easter Egg where your guards' morale can be quickly increased to maximum by sexually assaulting prisoners.
  • Americans are rare until the later stages of the game, and American prisoners are typically fat and lazy, but smart and know how to escape. You are much better off killing them rather than holding them prisoner.
  • Canadians These prisoners are excedingly rare. Most of them orginate from a failed raid. They will work extremely hard, obey orders, and over all increase productivity. However, all they are doing is lulling your guards into a false sense of security. Even if the prisoner is a kind old man with an artifical leg who would never hurt a fly, one night, he will take off his wooden leg, beat your guards to death, and attempt to make his escape. It is possible to tell theu are getting ready to escape, as beer will begin to disappear, as they need beer to power-up. If deined beer, they are even stronger, as they desprately try to get their beer back. Finally, they can ruin American prisoners, as a single Canadian can drink all the American beer without getting even slightly drunk. May attempt to wedgie British officers, yelling about The Somme.
  • Brits will usually allow your soldiers to do anything to them or other prisoners for about 6 months. After that they will try to kill all your guards and escape. Like Canadians they will work hard, but only until their escape plan is perfected. Brits are the most expensive prisoners to keep, due to their excessive cigarette and whisky consumption. If you supply them with beer, however, you should be prepared for a huge shock...
  • French are astoundingly weak, cowardly and surrenders. They are a rude bunch, always yelling about "vive le resistance", smell of wine, cheese and garlic, and do not fit the Aryan race model, they have to be done with in swift fashion.
  • Russians are renowned trouble makers and need a firm fist and loose trigger finger to keep in line. However their seemingly endless supply of red flags has its advantages in that burning them increases the morale of your men.
  • Jews are notoriously difficult to deal with. Not only do they have a habit of paying off camp guards with smuggled diamonds, but if kept too close to Christian children, they will kill them and drink their blood. Plagues generally start in the Jewish quarters. However, if you torture the Jews enough, they will eventually reveal where they have hidden their family's wealth, and if you beat them in the head with the butt of your rifle, generally at least a couple of gold teeth will fall out along with the regular ones. If provoked, you must look out for their horns.
  • Homosexuals can spread homosexuality to other races, including the guards via "recruiting". Homosexuals die quicker of natural causes, and require greater supervision, especially on Friday nights when they tend to sneak out of the camp to visit German discotheques. However a limited number of homosexuals can also be valuable because they won't touch the young Jewish girls.
  • Germans are highly succeptible to the spread of homosexuality (see above). You will also encounter German women, but it's very hard to distinguish them from German "men", which explains why German men are such easy prey for the Homosexuals. German men with blonde hair and blue eyes who have caught homosexuality, aka 'teh gheyness', will make better SS special units (see above) than non-homosexual Aryans. German women, to win German "men" (including guards and prisoners), will perform in sick and twisted German pornography movies, but use caution when employing this tactic! Your Jewish prisoners may win distrubtion rights to the films and buy their way out!
  • Resistance Fighters are a somewhat special type, since they're more like a subtype of the various other kinds of prisoners. They obey most orders and are quite efficient workers, but they've got one huge drawback: they can call upon the local Resistance Squad to rescue them. That's not too bad, luckily: the Resistance Squad doesn't give a damn about the non-resistance prisoners and leaves them behind when they're escaping the camp.
  • Hogan's Heroes will not make any attempt to escape, thus making it easier to have a record of no escapes from your camp. However, they will attempt to sabotage the war effort from within the camp walls, so you should eliminate them as soon as humanly possible.
  • Black people are the second worst race to the Jews. After you done eradicating all the orange Jews, and all the other subhumans, you must focus on terminating the "people of color" who are like monkeys. The objective is to get rid of six million, plus six billion more of other "non-Aryan" races in the whole world. Make sure you segregate them, but make them equal. Hire Americans who are known to wear white hoods and sheets to take care of them Negroes.
  • Communists are also the second worst race to the Jews. Generally, this will improve your reputation with American prisoners (when executed) but they will tend to kick other prisoners in the face, and sometimes will all line up in order to hail their honorable chairman, therefore taking their execution honorbally (shit). These can include russians but are usually chinese who refuse to understand that they're prisoners of war, and on the same status as jews.

Easter Eggs

Fortunately the game does not come with many easter eggs, since the Jews have never believed in Easter, the Easter Bunny, chocolate eggs, Jesus, and the hypothesis that Arabs may be human too.

Special levels

  • Special level; McDonald's . After completing the game, you know when you have accessed it as Hitler will come to your home at night wearing a bright red wig via the window (if there is no window the SS will install one free of charge) to congratulate you saying - "6,000,000 Jews Served!" If Hitler is unavailable you may be visited by Himmler, Mengele, or Mel Gibson's father to applaud you on a job (and Jude) well done.
  • Special Fun House level (UK version only). Takes place inside of the Fun House: "Burn your body and your brain, without choosing play this game! Fun House, ba-da-da!"
  • Special: It's a Small Third World after all. Where you take a smooth boat ride across the seven seas and view the five or six continents full of Darkies, Mongoloids and Wogs, represents every ethnic and national stereotype. Beware of the drunken Irish, the criminal I-talians, the savage Indians with feathers on their heads, Chinks of many kinds with slant eye glasses, karate outfits and bowl hair cuts, border-jumping Mexicans and the Israeli exhibit is where we watch the Dirty Jews and Dirty A-rabs fight like non-Christians.

Holocaust Tycoon: Siberia Teaches

Due to the success of the original game, an expansion pack was released in February, 2006. It was called Holocaust Tycoon: Siberia Teaches. In it, the player has to establish a camp in the heart of the motherland (The Soviet Union). The expansion pack has received poor reviews due to its extreme difficulty, a Gamespot reviewer wrote "Fucking JERK OFF, this game is bollocks! The prisoners freeze to death every time!"

The expansion also included some new gameplay including: political prisoners (they give a very big score but are hard to obtain), 3 new first-person shooter maps ("For the motherland!!!", "Who called Stalin evil?" and "The capitalists are escaping!") and the ability to expose prisoners to the national anthem of the Soviet Union (like a gas chamber but faster). To complicate matters, camps must remain highly productive at all times, and Stalin must take none of the blame. While peasants and factory workers may be worked to death in your mines, other prisoner types such as aerospace engineers must be kept comfortable while still being forced to work under threat of death. Another aspect that complicates gameplay is that each of the player's units tries to denounce another one from time to time, or forces another unit to denounce a third one. Every time this happens, at least one of the units involved is executed immediately without adequate replacement. More advanced units (e.g., secret officers, political officers and party secretaries) are more likely to suffer from this fate. During later phases of the game, the player will thus notice a severe lack of high-level units, especially those with veteran status.

At the end of the game's lengthy campaign, the player will receive an invitation to Stalin's office. Stalin then orders the player to be eliminated due to "lack of efficiency". Nobody knows what were the people at Ka-tzetnik Enterprises thinking, but he refuses to tell anyone else, although God is currently looking into the matter.

Holocaust Tycoon: The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea

In the new expansion pack the player goes beyond controlling a camp in some desolate country to controlling a desolate country. The gameplay gives unprecedented freedom for a video game. As the Minister of the Interior, the player can conduct propaganda campaigns to inspire people to work harder for less food, increase agricultural output by adding paper to bread dough, invent new methods of torture, and use secret prisons to re-educate dissidents by beating them with bamboo sticks. However, most importantly the player has to make comforts available to the Dear Leader to keep him occupied to prevent him from giving on-the-spot guidance. Electronics such as iPods and computers are very effective. If the Dear Leader is not occupied the player has no choice but to follow His idiotic advice. This will result in a disaster for which the player will be blamed for and punished by the Dear Leader.

The reviews for the game were quite good:

  • “Glory to the people’s red army!” - The Dear Leader on Everything (the only words that He ever spoke out loud to the Korean public).
  • “This game sucks, every small failure on part of the player is punished by The Leader, and eventually the player is then sent to a concentration camp. Then the game locks down your computer so you can’t turn it off, and the player is forced to watch as his character suffers for 3 long years in a gulag that he constructed to be eventually killed during the US invasion."

Holocaust Tycoon; Yugoslavia edition

The long-awaited edition sold out in like 5 minutes, about 3 billion were made.

When Europe after WWII and the fall of Communism had an old saying "Never again", it did happen again in the former republic of Yugoslavia, the land of fraternal unity of rival ethnic groups with a deadly grudge against each other.

The objective of the game is for your ethnic group faction to set up a smaller but just as deadly "camp" guaranteed to be fun. You need to expand your ground to include enough ground to bury your prisoners in mass graves. But you have to act fast before the NATO air strike with its missles positioned at your prison command headquarters occurs in any moment.

Choose Serbs and try to beat the high score of Ratko Mladić.


After way too many expansions for humanity's own comfort, most were burned but the company producing still made sales. They decided to produce a NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW (quoted from Dr. Phil, an American hater) edition of Holocaust Tycoon. It has only been revealed that there will be jew-eating aliens, as well as more criticism from critics about the fact that the graphics are still set for a 1996 game.

International reception

Despite the fact that Holocaust Tycoon got mostly positive reviews, it has not sold well on the Western market. However, it is a record-breaking seller In Somalia, Afghanistan, Mauritania, Niger, Venezuela, Georgia, Kosovo and North Korea.

It got Best Fictional Event award in Iran.

PC Requirements


  • Turing machine (Analytical Machine recommended)
  • IBM Computer recommended (general speed increase)
  • 65536 MHz Enigma® processor
  • RAM: 16gb DDR4 acer
  • 5000 GB of lebensraum
  • Goldtooth devices are not supported
  • 1000 years warranty recommended
  • Large Achtung Juden sign

Friday, November 27, 2009

Pope to appear in Girls Gone Wild film so Americans will know who he is

Pope to appear in Girls Gone Wild film so Americans will know who he is

16 May 2008

VATICAN CITY, Italy -- It has been quite some time since the Pope (leader of some obscure religion apparently) made a visit to the United States. In that time, he has had time to reflect on his visit, and is apparently dismayed by the number of people who had no idea who he was.

In a photoshoot before appearing in the GGW project

A Vatican spokesperson says: "His Holiness was shocked to find himself frequently shoved by passing civilians. He was actually mugged on his way to Ground Zero in New York. Very few people knew who he was, and the only reason people cheered for him when he arrived in Washington DC was because they thought he was the man who played Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars films. Which I guess is understandable. Also, many people thought he was trick-or-treating despite the fact that Halloween was months ago. He was laden with quite a bit of candy, and found this very distressing. Although His Holiness did find the Mars Bars quite scrumptious."

The Pope has announced his wishes to make himself more known to the American public. He initially hoped to sign a deal with the makers of the Grand Theft Auto games. The deal would have made the Pope the main character of a spin off, Grand Theft Auto: Vatican City. However, before the deal was finalized, Grand Theft Auto IV was released, and the makers of the game were all lynched due to the incredible stupidity of the sequel.

The Pope's next move was to sign a deal with the makers of the Girls Gone Wild amateur porn films. The Vatican's spokesman explains: "The pope will not be appearing nude in this film, despite his magnificent breasts. No, he instead will give a sermon at the beginning of the film warning of the dangers of lust. After that, his sermon will be followed with two and a half hours of drunken girl-on-girl action! He'll become an instant celebrity. The only thing that could make him any more famous would be sleeping with Eliot Spitzer."

"This is a brilliant public relations move," says political analyst Justin Cyderhole, "It'll expose the pope to a whole new generation of people, most of whom have never heard of the Pope and think "the vatican" is a sexual position. Which, incidentally, it is, but that's not the point. Now, the Pope will show himself to people who normally wouldn't see him."

However, the producers of the Girls Gone Wild films are rather concerned about the Pope's appearance in the film. "He talks for nearly five minutes, which is clearly beyond the attention span of most young American men. I think it's a shitty idea myself. I mean, the pope leaves all his clothes on! ALL of them!"

Nobody has yet told the Pope that the video he's introducing is called Girls Gone Wild:Catholic Schoolgirl Slumber Party."

Did u know?

Did u know:

...that the original name of Bank of America was Bank of Italy.

...that Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, and Dostoyevsky were all epileptics (aka brain disorder).

...that Cleopatra married two of her brothers.

...that the American Civil War was actually marked by many instances of uncivil behavior?

...that swallowing your own head can be harmful to your digestive system?

Abstract art

Abstract art

An example of abstract art or my puke, depending on the viewer.

Abstract art is an artistic movement started by bitter mathematicians that grew jealous of artists because the latter have been more popular with women throughout history. The works themselves are made of shape and colour based codes that can be decrypted using mathematics, usually translating to awkward jokes about impressionism and who Michelangelo slept with.


The Meaning of Five Minus Two (Study No. 3), Polack Pollock, 1960.

At first glance abstract art might lack any kind of logical pattern or recognisable form, but after a closer inspection conducted by someone with knowledge of the mathematics it is even more confusing. The code that is used in the making process is made of twenty-four different stages and several yet unknown trade secrets that have been passed on for generations. All forms of abstract works have to be placed under precise lighting. This can take days or weeks as the instructions are written in a trigonometric variation of regular binary and have to be read backwards.

History of Abstract

Although it cannot be clearly determined when exactly the movement begun, the earliest known practitioner has been said to be Muhammad, a former religious artifacts merchant and a self-pronounced prophet of Juda-Islam, also one of the best friends of Allah. Muhammad himself was not a very good mathematician or painter which made him a ridiculed outcast in both the artistic and scientific communities. He quickly abandoned his former passion and moved to Jabal Old-nun to pursue his new career as a quicksand gardener.

Trophy Room of the Castrating Female, Glacie Meltwater, 1968.

For the first millennium the abstract movement remained mostly in the east following the Pope's declaration of abstract to be the works of the Devil, who upon being interviewed on the subject claimed to have dyscalculia and no fingers to hold a paintbrush. After the fall of the Roman Empire, following the destruction of Death Star, the abstract movement fallout started to catch wind in the western mathematics, no longer blocked by the roman wind god. One of the most well-known pioneers of the 13th century, Fibonacci, himself stated he had been inspired by the well-known Greek mathematician Aristillus, specifically his painting Borg-cannon which has also been adapted into a film named El Topo.

Several changes have been made to the process of creating abstract art for the last two centuries, like the invention of fractals that caused many old paintings to collapse due to mathematical impossibilities often causing damage to the surroundings and making the air smell purple and rectangular for weeks. Similar and unfortunate accidents briefly outlawed abstract art. The issue was resolved after the royal math division of England developed an art-resistant metal casing for the remaining old paintings.

Since abstract art has been successful in the recent decades it is unknown wether it will continue to be a mathematicians-only movement or evolve into a shared art form, possibly shifting the jokes to be about athletes and Vaseline. One of the current rockstars in abstract, Stephen Hawking, recently published a book accompanied by a series of interviews about the future of the movement, stating that deep space will be the only option after the infamous Red Cross scam failed. This viewpoint is slowly gaining acceptance, but has not yet found the full support of the artistic community. There have been rumours about Muhammad making a comeback, but ever since his run-in with the Persian Gardening Committee in 1856 he has been missing and presumed dead, making the rumours difficult to confirm.


The Persistance of Einstein, Dolly Salvador, 1958.

The Abstract Movement has been widely criticised for having double standards, since mocking artists through the medium of art itself contains irony which makes no sense, much like algebra. This comment made most mathematicians angry, leading them to claim that algebra is actually quite simple and easy to explain - unlike modern performance arts. Some critics also claim abstract art is about tax evasion, but rarely go into more detail for legal reasons.

Should you own abstract art?

Here Come the Kilroys, Lick X Steen, 1963.

Displaying abstract art in the home is subject to certain difficulties, not the least of which is determining the orientation of the painting. There are four basic possibilities, and it is suggested you consult a catalogue. The more avant-garde works might require a non-perpendicular orientation if you are to keep with the artist's intent. Also, some paintings were made to be hung face-to-the-wall as an expression of the painter's contempt for conventional forms of display. Some paintings are "living art" and are meant to be covered in feces and rotting fruit and left in the sun. Some are intended to be burned in public (performance art), but be careful that the artist did not intend it to be destroyed in complete secrecy.

New laws will likely be pass to ban all other art that art teachers find to be infeanar. If this law is passes then great works of art(which would peices of crap then) would, by law have to be destoyed and launched into schools.

Many people are portesting this movement saying that abstract art is the "crap", but these poeple are just teenagers, how don't know anything about art because they make things like the Mona Lisa.

If you purchased an abstract painting as an investment, it may be best to disregard the artist's intentions entirely. The best thing is to mount it on black velvet in a cheap frame and tell people you bought it in Tijuana.

Art That Looks Like Nothing

Art That Looks Like Nothing

"A Spanish Sunset"

So you want to be an artist, but have absolutely no real credible talent in art? Join the club. You are absolutely sure you want to be an artist? Well okay then, I am going to let you in on a little secret that will get you into art without actually having to do anything. The secret is Art That Looks Like Nothing.

More commonly referred to as abstract, or modern artwork, among members of the club, so that the secret will never be revealed. It is actually very easy to make these "abstract" and "surreal" paintings, or sculptures, or whatever your medium of choice is. When you finish make sure you give it a trippy name, so that the critics will refer to it as either abstract or surreal, and thus, think it is brilliant.

History of Art That Looks Like Nothing

Art that looks like nothing developed as an icon of the 1930's, where poor people who suffered greatly from the great depression needed to find a way to make a quick dollar without putting forth much effort at all. After marketing their work under the title of abstract, or surreal, the poor families made a killing[1]. Having found this new gold mine of salvation, art that looked like nothing began zooming into people's homes, giving them a great outlook on the bleak future, and giving America hope for a new beginning.

Death of Art That Looks Like Nothing, 1946

Following World War 2, many artists who produced art that looks like nothing during the war began to reap the benefits of the new economy. They made more money than they could have ever imagined. However this, unfortunately lead to the decline of art that looks like nothing. With the money being made by the second from sales of the magnificent art that looks like nothing, artists began to quit while they were ahead. They already had a steady pension plan coming in from the artwork they had already produced, and that money was theirs to keep, however if anyone caught on to their scheme, then they could face very hefty charges and fines. Thus, they left the market of Art that looks like nothing forever, or did they?

Rebirth of Art That Looks Like Nothing, 1979-Present

Following the Viet Nam War, people looked for the beautiful art that looks like nothing, but found that quantities were very slim, and prices had skyrocketed, leaving many homes without the beauty of this art. Seeing the exploiting that could be done from this new demand for art that looks like nothing, many new, young artists arose from the ashes of the fallen artists of art that looks like nothing, and begun producing art that looks like nothing at exceptional rates.

With this new birth of art that looks like nothing, many people made their lives complete by buying brand new art that looks like nothing, and even buying remakes of some of the classic art that looks like nothing. The ways of the new artists have continued to grow over the decades, and have reached impressive sales by the present time with many people learning the secret of the art that looks like nothing, art that looks like nothing has become one of the most world-renowned forms of art there is, and nobody suspects a thing!

Piet Mondrian's "Composition 10" the cornerstone of art that looks like nothing.

Piet Mondrian

Piet Mondrian is considered the father of art that looks like nothing. He began working on art that looks like nothing long before it became popular to do so in the 30s. Mondrian created a series of artworks that featured several black lines, and red, yellow, and blue boxes intertwined within the black lines. This set of art contained 13 pieces, which Mondrian created on one rainy Thursday afternoon in 1920.

Mondrian understood the way to sell his artwork, giving them names like "Composition 10[2]", "Composition of Yellow, Blue, and Red", and "Composition II of Yellow, Blue, and Red", which were so outrageous that people couldn't help but spend hundreds of dollars on them.

Piet Mondrian continued putting out art that looks like nothing for years during the 1920s, up until his death in 1929, shortly before the boom in creation of art that looks like nothing in 1932. It is a true shame that he could not see what an influence his art that looks like nothing had on the future of art that looks like nothing.

Modern day artists of art that looks like nothing have paid their respects to Piet Mondrian, remaking his artwork, and selling it for their own gain, just as Mondrian would have wanted. You would be surprised at how much money remaking a bunch of black lines would bring in. That is why many aspiring artists of art that looks like nothing begin by remaking old popular Mondrian works.

Recent advances in the paintball field have allowed multiple colors to be used in one gun, making the use of a paintball gun much easier.

Your Palette

So you are sure you want to become an artist for art that looks like nothing? Okay then. The first thing you need to know is the tools that you should use. Art that looks like nothing can be made from almost anything you can possibly think of. Traditional art that looks like nothing has been created using a standard paintbrush, however with technological advances of time we are now able to use almost anything. Quick artwork has been made by repeated firing at a blank canvas with a random assortment of colors from a paintball gun, and that has become one of the most used forms of creation.

However if you are going to go the traditional way, and want to remake a Piet Mondrian masterpiece, you should probably go with the traditional paintbrush, however if you are strapped for time[3] you could still use the paintball gun to make these paintings, besides, if it doesn't come out looking like a Mondrian masterpiece, you can always market it as your own work.

If you actually care about how good your art that looks like nothing looks, then you probably shouldn't have taken up making art that looks like nothing, however if you are hell-bent on becoming an artist that makes art that looks like nothing, but still want your work to look good, then you can always use a fine-tooth paintbrush[4]. Other than that, you basically have free reign to test anything you want.

Now What

Well, now you can make your masterpieces. You have learned everything that there is to know about art that looks like nothing and its history, you are fully prepared to spend one rainy afternoon just sitting in your garage, shooting a blank canvas with a paintball gun. Honestly it is a great deal of fun, and it will make you a massive amount of money.